Weekly Sunday Service - Joy In Worship

Group song
Upcoming Sunday Speaker
Speaker: Bruce Shelton
Date : 10/27/2024

Something special about our church is the variety of inspiring speakers, offering our congregation a varied perspective of life, love and living! We are an Interfaith church and thus we are open to many different paths to inspiration, understanding and peace. 

Often, the ministers and musicians from the Fellowship of the Inner Light will share with the world, and we invite inspiring speakers to share with us. A common connection and inspiration about our speakers includes vision, wisdom, and heart-centered consciousness. 620 14th Street, VB. We welcome you to join us!


Choir Rehearsal: 10:00 AM

Guided Meditation: 10:30 AM

Music & Speaker: 10:45 AM

  • Featuring Fellowship musicians, meditation and spiritual renewal, and community in a welcoming setting
  • Guest speakers from a variety of spiritual traditions and disciplines
  • Holy Communion (first Sunday monthly)

Service Ends: Noon

Refreshments & Social ’til 12:30 PM

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Featured video: Stephen Poplin - Peak Times

   We are gathered here today to be fabulous, extraordinary, impressive, claiming our truth, certain of our path. Are you ready?! You signed up for this. Ah yes, potential and possibilities. All good and well. The athlete, the performer, prepare for their program. Anticipation. And then a big snowstorm hits. Bummer. But what if the opposite happened? Well, it is. Now! This is a cosmic peak time. The skies part, the sunbeams…and you can have your wish. Excellent. Do you claim it?! Yes! (On the Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus, April 2024)