
There are always new ways for people to shine EXTRA bright at the Fellowship! We look forward to hearing from you if you are interested in acts of service or visiting our upcoming events!

“… Preparing the self for greater service. 

Not just coming to be fed, but to use that food, to carry to others.” 

– Rev. Paul Solomon


MAY 15-19 – 2024 FAMILY GATHERING: It was a success! We had speakers, discussions, music, and more. With thanks to our organizers: Jack & Karin

Many of our speakers have their videos up on our YouTube channel! Take a Look!

JUNE 9 – BLESSING BAGS: Summer edition. Creating bags with essentials for those without shelter or reliable access to resources. Both items and monetary donations are accepted. List of needs will be available at a later date. Contact(s): Candace Powers

JUNE 13 & 14 – JCOC Food Program: Preparing and distributing meals to those in need. To include blessing bags made by FIL volunteers. Assistance is needed to both cook and serve meals. Contact(s): Bruce Shelton

All volunteers are asked to complete the application below, at least once, for registration to participate.

Contact us about the ministry’s work in the community or to offer feedback. 

Ways to Shine Your Inner Light at Fellowship

Landscaping/Gardening – (See Bruce or Larry)

Hospitality – Meeting church hospitality needs and welcoming new guests! This may be for you if you enjoy making others feel at home with a pleasant greeting & smile! (See Judie)

Ceremonies & Events – setting up and cleaning up after events, ceremonies,  parties, the annual family gathering. Serving others during the entirety of these programs is often needed. >> Visit the calendar to see what is coming up next! (See Susan)

Community Outreach – serving other individuals and/or organizations locally and internationally by cooking to feed people, helping others with tasks, or participating in coordinated program events to expand the ministry’s aid. >> Click here for more about Fellowship’s growing outreach program! (see Bruce)