Classes & Groups
ATTENTION ATTENDEES: The Fellowship of the Inner Light is located at 620 14th Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23451. Parking is available at W. T. Cooke Elementary at the corner of 14th Street and Mediterranean. The church is located between Mediterranean and Cypress in Virginia Beach, VA. Parking registration with the city is available through the church. Please contact us with any questions or concerns. Click Here for Parking and Our Location on Google Maps.

Women’s Wisdom Circle
Mature sisterhood, discussions on topics of interest, and spiritual support for the senior community – followed by lunch together. Bring a lunch for yourself or something to share! Please contact us by phone or email for additional details about how to attend! We look forward to hearing from you!
Please contact us about our Programs
Busy Us!
Over the years we have hosted many programs, groups, workshops and on-going meetings, including virtual.
Let us know if you would like to organize or host a program or two. We look forward to hearing from you!
Be ye as little Children
Children’s Ministry
Fellowship Sunday School

Fellowship Sunday School
“Teach (the children) the ability to be confident among one another, knowing one another well, sharing, touching.. to be aware of one another’s feelings,.. caring for one another… and teaching the child to turn within.”
Paul Solomon Reading 327
The Fellowship is again offering a Sunday School Program for children. Our sharings will feature many topics including Bible stories, character building presentations, and the teachings of Paul Solomon through Inner Light Consciousness for Children. The Sunday School Program is facilitated by Karin Jenness Corrigan and Sharon Solomon.
Karin is very excited to have the privilege to teach the Fellowship’s younger beings of light in the Upper Room. Karin has extensive experience in teaching in public school, preschool, and churches. She graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond with a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education. She went on to teach the fourth grade, kindergarten, and preschool in different locales. She also taught religious education for youth in the Catholic Church in Kingsport, TN. Her eighth grade church history class students said they loved coming to Karin’s classes, and we know that the students here at the Fellowship will enjoy her classes as well.
Sharon, the wife of Paul Solomon, has often been called the “Mother of the Fellowship.” She has shared Inner Light Consciousness and other teachings of Paul Solomon around the world. Most recently, she shared Paul’s teachings throughout Japan to students at FILING, Fellowship of the Inner Light, Nippon Group. Sharon currently serves as chairperson of the Virginia Beach Fellowship of the Inner Light Pastoral Council and as a member the Board of Directors. She also leads several local classes and international outreach Zoom Groups focused on Paul’s teachings.

A Course In Miracles
This class meets in-person, on most Sundays from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM, Tom Baker facilitates an intro to “A Course in Miracles” as part of the After-Church Exploration Series (ACES). His introduction includes how ACIM came about, what it teaches, and its purpose for the world. Persons interested in doing spiritual work with ACIM can talk with Tom about the weekly group he leads at the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A. R. E.) as well. For further information contact Tom Baker at [email protected].