Date - Jun 17 2024
Service starts at 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Fellowship of the Inner Light
SAVE The Date: Monday, June 17th, 2024
Day of Healing – Honoring Divine Masculine
ALL are Welcome!!!
The Divine Masculine is emerging. He holds sacred space for his truth. He breathes with an integral strength of beauty and vulnerability. He lives from his heart where he and Divine are One!!
The divine masculine is the energy that symbolizes action, strength, responsibility, and connection to Spirit. It is not necessarily related to gender but to the masculine aspect of God. It is the part of us that is focused on labor, money, strategy, and self-restraint.
It is no secret that the masculine is being challenged today. From war to ecological collapse, most of the world’s critical problems stem from a distorted masculinity out of control. But many are also opening their minds and hearts to a deeper understanding of what healthy masculine looks like rather than what we receive from our media, culture, and religions. Masculine awakening is a sacred alignment with a higher calling so they may partner with divine feminine to create a new and better world for all sentient beings on this beautiful star that we call home.
According to Carl Jung there are 4 different male archetypes that you can learn about as you explore the divine masculine within you. But never get stuck on any particular archetype because you are always the master of your own life with the power to evolve into the divine masculine you desire to be.
Your 45 minute private Energy Healing session will be in the tranquil sacred space at Fellowship of the Inner Light with a practitioner of one of the following healing modalities: Angel Light Healing, Reiki, Reconnective Healing or Light Language Healing.
You will also receive a divine message for your personal and spiritual growth.
Music: Tom Kenyon – “Song of the New Earth”
Monday, June 17th, 2024
10:00am – 4:00pm
Fellowship of the Inner Light
640 14th Street, Virginia Beach, Va 23451
10:00am – 4:00pm
Fellowship of the Inner Light
640 14th Street, Virginia Beach, Va 23451
Wheelchair accessible!
Love donations are accepted! 

To secure your 45 min. session please contact:
We look forward to sharing Light with you 
– OneLOVE, Barbara Dominck

– OneLOVE, Barbara Dominck