Teachings of the Ascended Masters ~ with Margaret McCoy

Date - Feb 5 2017
Service starts at 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Fellowship of the Inner Light


Margaret McCoy
Margaret McCoy

Group Discussion – Teachings of Ascended Masters

 This is part of an ongoing series of classes of The Teachings Of The Ascended Masters.

Mysteries of the Higher Planes which we are meant to know.
Progressive Revelations in the Tradition of Adepts, Saints and Mystics of the Ages.

The Fulfillment of Your Soul Purpose  depends on many things.
It is time to S
tart – or Continue – with New-Aquarian Teachings.

Love donations will be accepted.  

Half of the Donations will go to FIL and Half will be for Printing.  Bring a notebook and a folder for Handouts.  

Contact:   Margaret<[email protected]

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