Grace de Rond’s books

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Books by Grace de Rond

Grace de Rond was steeped in transcendental philosophies from an early age. She discovered Paul Solomon at age twenty-two and continues to share his work with an expanding audience. She writes about effective living through focused thought, blogging at and contributing to sites including Thrive Global, The Good Men Project and HuffPost.

Paul Solomon on the Seven Levels of Living is a seven-book series corresponding to the body’s chakras, the seven levels in consciousness, the levels of the Qabalistic Tree of Life, the churches of the Revelation, and the seven days or “seven manifestations of the light of enlightenment” that comprised the Creation. The material is presented as an intimate conversation that Paul is having with his students, so it becomes an experience of a mystery school training where the pages speak to the reader beyond the words. 

Mastery, which is Book One in the series, explores the initial steps on a spiritual path, including learning to direct our thoughts in order to manage our beliefs and emotions; accepting responsibility for every aspect of our lives by dropping the false claim that externals determine what happens to us or how we feel about it; and the first step, which allows all that comes after, sustaining an unshakeable inner serenity.

Grace Mastery
Grace Mastery


Available on Amazon Here  <


Regeneration, which is Book Two in the series, focuses on the power of transformation to replace valueless thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, habits and the resulting dis-ease. We came here to become masters of ourselves and the environment around us. And second level regeneration sparks us to die to yesterday’s identity, draw from vital life-force energy, gestate inspired potential and give birth to a new self.


Grace Regeneration
Grace Regeneration

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The Wisdom of Solomon is a collection of Paul Solomon’s most powerful and best-loved lectures. They cover his teachings on New Age thought, religion and spirituality, prayer and meditation, channeling, reincarnation, dreams, soulmates, healing, the mind-body-spirit connection and human potential. Paul’s vast knowledge base, combined with his gift for uncomplicating issues and providing practical steps toward growth and transformation, make his work unique.

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The Fellowship Primer is a collection of the Work-Readings that Paul Solomon gave for the Fellowship of the Inner Light. In his lifetime, Paul stressed that the Work-Readings could be studied and applied by any individual as well. They provide instructions for creating and maintaining a spiritual organization, meaning that they could also be applied to maintaining a home for anyone who takes up the Path of the Hearthfire.

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Thoughts Worth Thinking on Life, Career, Lovers and Children is written by Grace de Rond and her husband, Ron. They met in the Fellowship’s first Seminary in 1991. And since then, their writing has evolved out of their lifelong studies of the mind-body-spirit connection and their corporate-coaching and teaching with professionals, couples and families. Thoughts Worth Thinking is 365 individual thoughts that inspire effective living. It’s commonsense wisdom for achieving success in life from the inside out, by consciously using our inner worlds to shape our outer worlds.

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Live Well: Effective Living Through Focused Thought is also by Grace and Ron. It’s a guidebook for living, partnering and parenting effectively. It’s a collection of commonsense advice, built around real-life, personal anecdotes that are relatable, funny and endearing. So each chapter is a gem of wisdom that entertains as it empowers. 

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