Upcoming Sunday Speaker, John Wilson: “Clear the Cup”…

Date - Nov 27 2016
Service starts at 10:45 am - 12:30 pm

Fellowship of the Inner Light


John and Kathleen Wilson
John and Kathleen Wilson

“Clear the Cup” ~ Put yourself in the path of the Spirit and make yourself ready for change!

Sunday Service begins at 10:45AM with a

Pre-service Meditation time of 10:30AM

We look forward to having John Wilson as our Sunday Speaker on November 27th.  John has been a friend, fellow sojourner, student, mentor and teacher to many people for many years. He and his wife Kathleen live in Virginia Beach. They both have lovingly shared their music with us.

“Farmer John” Wilson has been active in organic farming for over thirty years and is also a former contractor and skilled carpenter. In the late 70’s through 80’s John took intensive classes in building energy efficient structures, solar energy, organic farming methods and composting. He moved to Virginia Beach in 1979 and eventually started his own farm and large scale composting business.


This business became New Earth Farm, the first to introduce a CSA program in Hampton Roads. The farm produced high quality vegetables, fruits, herbs and pasture-raised eggs using biological and sustainable methods. John has been a long standing member of the Virginia Association for Biological Farming, has worked on numerous community and school projects, and has spoken at local events in regards to organic farming and sustainability.

John and Kathleen recently sold the farm to another wonderful person who uses organic methods of growing. John will continue to be involved in education for people concerning organic methods of farming and gardening. We are so blessed to have John and his wife in our community.

If you would like to request Farmer John to speak at an event, provide a quote for a publication or for assistance with community or educational projects please email him at [email protected]

We open our hearts and minds to hear John’s inspired message at this moment in time.  We are indeed thankful at this Thanksgiving time for such wonderful souls as John and Kathleen.

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