Sunday Speaker ~ Tom Baker

Date - Feb 5 2017
Service starts at 10:45 am - 12:30 pm

Fellowship of the Inner Light


Tom Baker
Tom Baker

Pre-service meditation time of 10:30 am

We are happy to have Tom Baker as our speaker at the Sunday Service on February 5th. Tom has blessed us for many years with his wit and wisdom.  Tom is a former Catholic Priest whose spiritual journey led him to the Fellowship of the Inner Light where he became a minister. At one time, he co-directed the Fellowship Center.

Tom and his wife, Kathy, reside in Virginia Beach where Tom is a Licensed Clinical Social worker. Tom is also a teacher of A Course in Miracles.

Tom specializes in couples communication. Communication is the glue that holds together a committed relationship. Couples often either stop communicating or communicate in ways that drive them apart rather than unite them. With 21 years of successfully helping couples learn how to communicate clearly, lovingly, and without malice, Tom can help you and your partner overcome the blocks to sharing your love for one another. With clear, easy to follow steps He will lead you out of anger, accusation, and criticism to the open space of talking and listening with appreciation and support.

Take the first step to help. Call or Email Thomas Baker now – (757) 272-1337

We open our hearts and minds to the message that Tom will bring us.

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