You are currently viewing Sunday Speaker: Sr. Pastor Bruce Shelton, “War in Heaven” ~ Chapter 12, The Book of Revelation
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Sunday Speaker: Sr. Pastor Bruce Shelton, “War in Heaven” ~ Chapter 12, The Book of Revelation

Date - Nov 13 2016
Service starts at 10:45 am - 12:30 pm

Fellowship of the Inner Light


Bruce Shelton
Bruce Shelton

We look forward to hearing Bruce Shelton at the Sunday Service on November 13. Bruce, the Senior Pastor of the Fellowship of the Inner Light, has blessed us for many years.  He and his wife Martie show up and do just about anything that needs to be done here!

The title for Bruce’s talk is “War in Heaven” – An Interpretation of Chapter 12 from The Book of Revelation

The Book of Revelation, often referred to as the Apocalypse because it is a prophetic revelation of the human soul and its destiny, is perhaps the most extraordinary document ever written. When you have the key to the Apocalypse, other achievements of the human race shrink in comparison, because it deals with the total thing – the nature of human beings, and the plan and self- expression of God.

In this talk Bruce will present an interpretation of Chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation. This is the chapter that opens with the beautiful description of the ”Woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of 12 stars…”

More about Bruce, Spiritual Action Figure!
Bruce is a retired Probation Officer and currently serves as a licensed counselor. Bruce blesses us with music and music co-ordination, serves on the Pastoral Council and the Board of Directors and is in charge of the Building and Grounds Committee.  And that is just the “official” list.

 You will often find him behind the scenes working with people, places, and things. You may find him at times on top of the building or at some spot under the building! One could say that he boldly goes where no man has gone before! He is an avid hiker, with a great love of nature and the outdoors.  He is indeed a spiritual action figure!

Immediately following the service, we hold our ‘We Love Our Fellowship Luncheon’.  

At 1:30 PM we are blessed to have Mark Finnan presenting his play about Revelation.  

This is a fundraiser for the church.  Love donations will be accepted.  





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