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Rev. Dr. Michael Milner Ph.D.

Sunday Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Milner, Ph.D.

Date - Nov 12 2017
Service starts at 10:45 am - 12:30 pm

The Fellowship of the Inner Light


We are delighted to have Michael Milner as our Sunday Speaker on November 12th.  Below we have information about the Sunday talk, workshops, and a bio so that you may find out wonderful information about this speaker!

Sunday Talk:
“The Flowering of the Heart of Humanity”

Rev Dr Michael Milner will speak to us about the Grace of Awakening to Oneness with the Divine Presence within us, the Flowering of our Hearts with Unconditional Love and our potential to serve as instruments of Grace for the power of Divine Blessing to flow through us for the healing, awakening and transformation of the world.

About Michael Milner:

Rev. Dr. Michael Milner, Ph.D. is a Spiritual Teacher & Counselor & Interfaith Minister, who embodies diverse spiritual traditions: Taoist, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist and more. For over 40 years Michael has provided counseling, guidance & energetic assistance to those who are undergoing processes of spiritual transformation. An Interfaith Minister, ordained in both the Taoist and Christian traditions, he helps people from many paths flow with the effects of the awakening process. Michael and his wife, Rev. Suzanne Champlin, co-direct Flowering Heart: International Holistic Spiritual Center in Clearwater, Florida. Visit:

Links for Saturday workshop
Links for Sunday workshop

Two Workshops at the Fellowship of the Inner Light:

Saturday 11/11/17 Dancing with Your Shadow1pm-6pm $49 in the Sanctuary  (A Oneness Blessing Workshop)
All of us have parts of ourselves we don’t particularly like. Often we deny that we even have these qualities, and we suppress them into the unconscious. These are our “Shadows”.  Residing in the unconscious mind, they are able to control us without our knowing. We tend to project these shadows on other people and judge them. In fact, whenever we judge someone else, it is always a part of ourselves we have not accepted that we are projecting on them and judging. The outer world is a reflection of the inner world.

Similarly, because of low self-esteem, we also find it difficult to accept our good qualities, our strengths, our True Awakened Nature and our own Divinity. Too often these parts of us are denied, suppressed into the unconscious and become shadows, shadows of light. We project these bright shadows on our spiritual teachers and people we admire. We say, “They are wonderful, not me. They are Awakened, not me. They are One with Divine, not me”… etc.

The heart of the inner work of the spiritual journey involves embracing our shadows, ceasing our projections on others and owning both the dark parts and the bright parts of our totality. Only then can we fully realize the Enlightened, Divine Beings we truly are!

Sunday 11/12/17
Workshop with Rev. Dr. Michael Milner PHD
“The Flowering Heart Path”
From 2-5 pm in the Sanctuary