Stephen Poplin

Date - Mar 13 2022
Service starts at 10:45 am - 12:15 pm

Fellowship of the Inner Light


Stephen Poplin

Waves and Swells
– planning personal peak moments

Research for Meryl Ann Butler’s and my program on Artists and Astrology inspired me, yet again, to encourage people to plan personal peak moments using the wave motion of the planets. Say what?
A crest is now forming. Grand and inspiring Jupiter is conjoining wondrous Neptune in the skies the 2nd week of April 2022. Plan to be inspired and moved, but each must do their part. Like planting seeds in your consciousness garden, set aside time and create the ideal circumstances to prepare for divine dictation. Stephen will offer pointers, puns and plans.

Stephen is a minister of the Fellowship of the Inner Light.  He serves on the Pastoral Council, and he is an alternate on the Board of Directors.  Many people have been blessed by his Astrological Readings and his other modalities of counseling such as Spiritual Hypnotherapy. Stephen is the author of “Inner Journeys, Cosmic Sojourns: Life transforming stories, adventures and messages from a spiritual hypnotherapist’s casebook.”
His books can be purchased at the ARE Bookstore as well as online.

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