John Wilson

Date - Dec 10 2023
Service starts at 10:45 am - 12:15 pm

Fellowship of the Inner Light


John Wilson
John Wilson


We are happy to have John Wilson as our speaker on Sunday. John has blessed this community in Virginia Beach (and beyond) and this church for many years. He was awarded the title of “Master Temple Builder” when he worked and created our many building changes and contributed to creating our outside deck in the back of the church in 1991. You can see a plaque above the door from our Sanctuary to the deck with his name on it!
John is fondly known by many as Farmer John. He is an expert in the field of organic gardening. He is your person to go to for help with understanding soil and compost. He has written a book called “From the Ground Up”. This book features five years of columns by John that were published in the Princess Anne Independent News. Many people and restaurants in the Virginia Beach area have been blessed by his healthy produce from his farm. John continues to have a wonderful recovery from a stroke. He remains a wonderful consultant and teacher for gardening, farming, and life issues.
John always touches us with his loving soul. His wit and wisdom make a difference for us all.

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