Philip Hasheider
June 1, 2024
at the Fellowship of the Inner Light
620 14th Street, Virginia Beach, VA
Philip Hasheider experienced an NDE after collapsing next to an exercise machine at his local hospital’s fitness center. It took over six minutes for their staff and EMTs to restart his heart. His vivid experience in another dimension has considerably altered his outlook, perspective, and understanding of what lies beyond this life. Philip’s NDE gave him a new set of eyes with which to examine life here and beyond. His interpretation of the experience here and in another dimension offers a pathway for others to follow this journey with him. His memoir, Six Minutes in Eternity, is available in book, e-book, and audiobook. He wrote it (LisaHaganBooks) as a way to explore and understand his NDE.
Philip uses his research skills to examine and find answers to why his collapse happened where it did, when it did, and why it did – with expert help immediately available – and not out with his cattle in his farm’s pasture an hour before. The answers to these questions led to his realization and understanding of the purpose of his return to this dimension.
Philip is a Wisconsin husband, farmer, writer, and local historian. He is the author of over thirty books on farming, local history, and family stories.
Suggested donation for the morning session is $10.
A Zoom link is available to those unable to attend in person. Contact RichardADinges@aol.com or 757-575-2759.