The Pre-Gathering
Wed., May 15th | Pre-Gathering Session | Speaker |
10:30 to 12:30 AM | Red Terrace Study | Susan Thomas |
12:30 to 2:30 PM | Lunch Break | Soup & Salad |
2:30 to 4:00 PM | Orance Terrace Study | Joshua Atkinson |
7:30 to 9:00 PM | Yellow Terrace Study | Brian Berry |
Thurs., May 16th | Pre-Gathering Session | Speaker |
10:30 to 12:30 AM | Green Terrace Study | Annaleah Atkinson |
12:30 to 2:30 PM | Lunch Break | Soup & Salad |
2:30 to 4:00 PM | Blue Terrace Study | Sharon Solomon |
Fri., May 17th | Pre-Gathering Session | Speaker |
10:30 to 12:30 AM | Violent Terrace Study | Annaleah Atkinson |
12:30 to 2:30 PM | Lunch Break | Soup & Salad |
2:30 to 4:00 PM | White Terrace Study | Group Reading |
5:00 PM | Doors Open for Gathering |
The pre-gathering is held to celebrate 3 main things, our loved ones that we only get to see rarely, to meet new people drawn to the Fellowship, and to deepen our spiritual awareness and expression. We also nourish our bodies with good breakfasts and lunches.
We will begin Wednesday the 15th at 9:30 AM with coffee, tea, and juice with granola and yogurt and fruit. There will be a donation basket for you do make a donation. The idea is that we can have a healthy morning meal while reconnecting with our dear friends. And we’ll all help clean up so we begin by 10:00.
The morning study sessions are from 10-12:30 PM. Then a Lunch break with Judie Midgett’s Wonder Soup, Salad, and Bread from 12:30-2:30. There is enough time to visit, go out if you like, or catch a nap, but be back by 2:30 PM. The Afternoon sessions are from 2:30-4:30 PM.
The Wednesday evening session begins at 7:00 pm. There is no evening session on Thursday night. On Friday evening the main gathering begins with registration at 5:00 PM, so our afternoon session will be over at 4:00, and then we’ll help set up.
- Wednesday, May 15th, 10:30 AM – The Red Terrace with Susan Thomas. Expectance, Miracle readiness. What do we expect from this pre-gathering?
- Wednesday, May 15th, 2:30 PM – The Orange Terrace with Joshua Atkinson. Letting the past go to be fully present in the moment. The transmuting quality of forgiveness.
- Wednesday, May 15th, 7:00 PM – The Yellow Terrace with Brian Berry. Honoring our Holy creation and creating a new life.
- Thursday, May 16th, 10:30 AM – The Green Terrace with Annaleah Atkinson. Acknowledging that we were created by Love, to Love, and Be love. We are happiest when we do this. We heal.
- Thursday, May 16th, 2:30 PM – The Blue Terrace with Sharon Solomon. Thy Will be Done. What will bring us the Peace of God?
- Friday, May 17th, 10:30 AM – The Violet Garden with Annaleah Atkinson. I am responsible for all that I experience. Preparing to meet our Source of Life.
- Friday, May 17th, 2:30 PM – The White Garden, Everyone, Oneness and a group reading.
“What you will find is the Law of Love, and that Law, that One Law speaks in such a manner as to say: Love yourself, your Source, and others equally, not loving self more and others less, not loving others more and loving yourself less, not loving God more and loving yourself and others less."
"But if you have loved yourself enough that you cannot be offended when others do not agree, then you will learn to see that those who are unkind are those who are in pain, and you will not be available to be hurt by insults or by such actions as are meant to hurt and such. You will simply know yourself to be alright. You will not be a victim. You will be alright, and in that alrightness you will have the strength to give healing to those who do not feel alright about themselves.”

The Fellowship Game
The Fellowship Game was created by Annaleah Atkinson to use the teachings of Inner Light Consciousness (ILC) to connect with our Source. Within the heart of humankind, there is a deep desire to connect with our Creator. Within the heart of the Creator is great joy when we do. Groups come together not by chance, and a group that is joined for each other’s highest good, and open to Christ’s Presence, is a powerful transformational tool. As one player said, “The Fellowship Game is a source for answers, a tool for enlightenment and education, for self-realization and personal growth.”
Every prayer we ask is answered, but we are not always tuned in to hear it. People come with a prayerful question. Playing the game demonstrates 3 ways prayer can be answered. By observing it (cards), our own inspiration that comes during the experience, and/or from hearing an idea in a conversation one might have with another. Synchronicity. Players all agree to listen for inspiration for themselves and others. All cards are shared, as others at the table might also have a similar question. And at the end, all the knowledge received is synthesized together to get the answers and inspiration. And it’s also a lot of fun to play! Much gratitude to Rev. Paul Solomon for giving us ILC! And blessings to Rev. Annaleah Atkinson for her creativity and vision.
Donating to the Fellowship of the Inner Light …
Classes, groups, and special events at the Fellowship, like the Annual Family Gathering, all happen by Donations! The Fellowship is a church which grows from joyful giving of time and resources from our members. The Fellowship of Inner Light team continues to take initiatives to keep the spiritual works of our family and friends invigorated and enriching many lives all over the world.