Learning Materials & Other Resources

“Do not seek to follow the footsteps of the men of old; seek what they sought.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Fellowship of the Inner Light family, friends, and members are unique in that we have an abundant access to authors, musicians, and creatives of many kinds. Through these methods they express details of their enlightened connections with the spiritual world. Here, we give you the opportunity to share in this knowledge and collection of experiences!
Creative Works From Members of Fellowship

“For Channels, Healers, and Helpers” – By Brian Berry
Come into the study of a psychologist, clairvoyant, and teacher who shares the stories of seekers from all walks of life … an ILC Guide and a special educator for 25 years, Brian does Akashic Readings as Paul Solomon trained participants in his rare Channels Classes to do.
Over the last ten years, he has done more than 400 such readings. He has spoken many times at the Fellowship, which is unmistakably his spiritual home.
“This remarkable collection of soul stories will touch your heart, as it has mine. Brian’s readings are filled with compassion and acceptance of life’s challenges and blessings.” – Dr . Rob Pennington, psychologist and author of Find the Upside of the Down Times

“Inner Journeys, Cosmic Sojourns” (Volumes 1 & 2) – By Stephen Poplin
Transpersonal hypnotherapist and philosopher, Stephen Poplin, M.A., Cht, has distilled forty years of practice, observation and insight into these volumes, sharing with the reader what he has learned about life, love, soul, death, karma, purpose and life-between-lives. Stephen has “interviewed” thousands of people who were in deep trances to discover Life’s big secrets – and reasons for living. Stories of past lives and present paths are woven into fascinating descriptions of remarkable people confronted with fate, challenges, spirits, soul mates and divine contracts. Along the way, the eternal questions come front and center …
- Why am I here? Is there a divine purpose?
- Was everything planned, and why?
- What role does karma play in our lives? What about Fate and Free Will?
- Is there an afterlife? Is there a Heaven? Or a hell?
- What about love, partners and soul-mates?
Stephen includes various ideas and beliefs from the world’s traditions, for he wishes to share and compare inner journeys with knowledge passed on through the ages. The reader will benefit – and stretch – from these stories, anecdotes and gems of wisdom. There will be some surprises along the way … and a few ghost stories.
How will this all end? You are co-creating the cosmic script. Thanks for your participation!

“Live Well: Effective Living Through Focused Thought“ – By Grace de Rond & Ron de Rond
365 individual thoughts that inspire effective living. It’s commonsense wisdom for achieving success in life from the inside out, by consciously using our inner worlds to shape our outer worlds.
Written by Grace de Rond and her husband, Ron. They met in the Fellowship’s first Seminary in 1991. And since then, their writing has evolved out of their lifelong studies of the mind-body-spirit connection and their corporate-coaching and teaching with professionals, couples and families.

“Thoughts Worth Thinking on Life, Career, Lovers and Children” – By Grace de Rond & Ron de Rond
365 individual thoughts that inspire effective living. It’s commonsense wisdom for achieving success in life from the inside out, by consciously using our inner worlds to shape our outer worlds.
Written by Grace de Rond and her husband, Ron. They met in the Fellowship’s first Seminary in 1991. And since then, their writing has evolved out of their lifelong studies of the mind-body-spirit connection and their corporate-coaching and teaching with professionals, couples and families.