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Workshop with Louis Purdey: The Three Kingdoms of Life: Souls, Elementals and Angels

Date - Oct 30 2016
Service starts at 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Fellowship of the Inner Light


Three Kingdoms of Life
Three Kingdoms of Life

·       DATE & TIME: Sunday, October 30, 2016 (2:00 PM – 4:00 PM)

·       DONATION: $25/person (make checks out to Divine Cooperative)

·       DESCRIPTION: What is the origin of the human soul?  Why are we in physical incarnation and what can we do to better manifest our part of the Divine Design (while learning to live in a state of Love, Joy, and Harmony)?  Where do the many aspects of Nature (minerals/plants/animals/human forms, structures from the sub-atomic to the extra-galactic in size, etc.) fit into the Divine Plan for Existence?  What is the ministry of Angels to Life on Earth (and beyond the Earth)?  How can we learn to better communicate/cooperative with all three Kingdoms of Life that dwell upon and within our beautiful planet?  These are the topics that Louis will address during this exciting workshop!  Participants will also be invited to align more completely with Divine Will and Divine Wisdom during a special meditation process using visualizations, affirmations, and a unique crystal grid built especially for the Fellowship Center.