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Upcoming Speaker, Cindy Griffith ~ “We Are Never Alone”

Date - Nov 6 2016
Service starts at 10:45 am - 12:30 pm

Fellowship of the Inner Light


CIndy Griffith
CIndy Griffith

“We are Never Alone”
We are Loved, Watched Over and Never Alone

Cindy grew up feeling like she was alone in life, yet looking back, she couldn’t have been more wrong. Starting around 5 years old with neighbors bringing her home after finding her wandering the street, to being rescued from drowning – and even saved from a potentially deadly car crash – Spirit has made sure she made it through. God sent the proverbial helicopter, boat and an 18 wheeler, yes really, an 18 wheeler to be sure she knew God was with her. With a humor and a few tears, Cindy will share her life experiences including the manifestation of an Angel or two so that you too can recognize some of the many ways God lets all of us know that we are loved, watched over and never alone.

 About Cindy:
Cindy Griffith is a Psychic, Metaphysics Teacher and Huffington Post Blogger. Author of Soul Soothers: Mini Meditations for Busy Lives, she is excited to help other spiritual practitioners with her latest book, Grow Your Spiritual Business. In the late 90’s, Cindy graduated from Openway, a four-year healing program, the Lightbearer three-year Metaphysical Training program, and from Empire State College, a New York State University where she obtained her Bachelor of Science in Spiritual Counseling and Healing. More recently she obtained her Masters in Consciousness Development also at Empire State where she focused on the Mystic’s journey to spiritual maturity. Cindy teaches metaphysics, spiritual and psychic development and topics relating to the Cayce teachings online through, at the Edgar Cayce Center in Virginia Beach and in Tokyo with Voice Workshops. She offers psychic and channeled sessions at the ARE psychic fairs, her Virginia Beach office and fairs around the country. Find more about Cindy, her articles, books, classes and Psychic readings at Cindy

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