“‘The Ascended Masters’ Message to the World” with Margaret McCoy

Date - Jan 15 2017
Service starts at 10:45 am - 12:15 pm

Fellowship of the Inner Light


Margaret McCoy
Margaret McCoy

We look forward to having Margaret McCoy as our Sunday Speaker on January 15th.  We open our hearts and minds to hear her message. The Presentation will give a limited, but broad view of Heaven, and the Beings who inhabit it. To hear what the Masters have to say is to hear the Love, Wisdom and Power of God.

The Service begins at 10:45 am

 Pre-service meditation time of 10:30 am



Short Bio of Margaret McCoy

Margaret McCoy came to the United States from Italy in 1958. She and her mom lived in Brooklyn, NY.  In 1979, Margaret was very much into the Cayce readings and busy with starting new groups in Brooklyn. One night, at the start of her ‘Search for God group’, a friend put a book in front of her on the table. We will see more glimpses of her life in her “Talk” Sunday, as it ties into that book.

In March of 1980, she moved to Virginia Beach, gave birth to her third child in May and opened Mother Nature, a natural food restaurant, in July.  In August, her newborn son was baptized at the “Fellowship of the Inner Light.“

Margaret is a Certified Speaker who holds a Masters in Humanities with Certification in the Work of Carl Jung, Certification in Business & Public Administration, and Certification in Macrobiotics, with an undergraduate degree in Philosophy.

Her work background is in the Natural Food Industry, Mental Health Profession and in Office Administration for State Government. She is the mother of three children, grandmother of two boys, and a friend to many.

The title of her Thesis was, Creativity: A Phenomenology in Man & Nature.  This book correlates the scientific discoveries of the New Physics and Quantum Physics, with the Work of Carl Jung on human consciousness; she calls them the two sides of Comparative Realities of the Living Universe.

Margaret’s own mission has always been fueled by her intense desire to know Metaphysics from the inside out, and how she can help humanity shift focus to its Divine Inheritance. She totally identifies with the quote, “I want to know God’s thoughts. The rest is detail.” – by  Albert Einstein.

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