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Susan Amsden

Sunday Speaker: Susan Amsden

Date - Jul 2 2017
Service starts at 10:45 am - 12:30 pm

The Fellowship of the Inner Light


We look forward to having Susan Amsden as our Sunday speaker on July 2nd. We open our hearts and minds to the message that she will bring!

About Susan Amsden:
Susan Amsden is the International Association for Near-Death Studies Business Manager, IANDS New Groups Mentor, Durham IANDS Group Leader, Vital Signs editor, and an ACISTE Life Coach in Durham, North Carolina. She took an early retirement from corporate life in Michigan to pursue her passion studying Near-Death and similar experiences while previously co-facilitating the Tucson and Phoenix IANDS Experience Sharing groups, then, through many synchronicities, ended up in Durham!

Susan is the proud mother of two sons, Will and Brad, ages thirty-three and thirty years old who are married and living in Wyoming and Montana. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Physical Sciences from Michigan State University, and another degree she says we can all claim: an E.L. degree for the many life experiences and “opportunities” on the journey we’ve each faced. We’ve all earned an Experiencer of Life degree!

Presentation: Saturday, July 1 at the A.R.E. from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon
“Experiences That Expand Our Perspectives and Awareness”
At the age of nine, after Susan’s mother “died” from pancreatic cancer at age thirty-six, Susan started a continuing search for the meaning of life and death in the years to come. She found the best explanations were from her exposure to hearing and reading about Near-Death Experiences. She will discuss and display short video vignettes of the many wonderful aspects of experiences that can expand our perspectives and awareness.

About forty years later, Susan learned that her mother had a Near-Death Experience in 1964 about two to four months before her mother’s passing.

Susan  will give a thirty-minute talk at the church service about similar topics covered in the presentation described above.