Sunday Speaker: Noted Scientist, Scholar – and Friend, Neil Helm

Date - Sep 11 2016
Service starts at 10:45 am - 12:00 pm

Fellowship of the Inner Light


Neil Helm
Neil Helm

We welcome with our hearts and minds the message that will come through Neil Helm on Sunday, September 11th.

Neil Helm, MA, is scholar-in-residence at Atlantic University, where he conducts research and assists students with their research. He had a long career in Space and Advanced Communications research and for 18 years he directed a research center at the School of Engineering and Applied Science of The George Washington University.

As a child Neil had a dramatic near-death experience that was spiritually transformative and ultimately lead him to a Master of Arts in Transpersonal Studies and a pending PhD in Transpersonal Psychology.

From 1991 to 2008, he was the Deputy Director of the Space and Advanced Communications Research Institute of the George Washington University. He is an internationally recognized research scientist and technologist. He has spent the past thirty-five years in high technology corporate and academic centers.

In the 1970s, Neil managed a series of corporate state-of-the-art R&D projects for Comsat Laboratories with responsibility for transferring the R&D into marketable systems and services. In the 1980s he directed a DARPA communications satellite project. Since 1991, he directed a pioneering team of scientists and engineers at George Washington University, conducting high data rate computing and communications projects, developing early Internet protocols and standards for terrestrial and satellite communications.

Neil Helm is a Member of the International Academy of Astronautics, an Associate Fellow of the International Academy of Astronautics, a Senior Member of the IEEE, and he has chaired national committees of both professional organizations.

Neil has been an expert witness to Congressional Committees. He has authored or co-authored four books and has published more than forty technical papers. He has a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service degree from Georgetown University and an M.A. from Atlantic University.

Neil serves on the Board of Directors of the International Association of Near Death Studies in Virginia Beach.  He is instrumental in bringing many wonderful speakers to the A.R.E. and to the Fellowship of the Inner Light.  We are grateful to Neil for this service. We look forward to hearing Neil on Sunday!

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