Date - Feb 11 2018
Service starts at 10:45 am - 12:30 pm
The Fellowship of the Inner Light
We are delighted to have Brian Berry as our Sunday Speaker on February 11th. Brian is a Fellowship of the Inner Light minister and teacher who has shared with the Fellowship of the Inner Light for many, many years! Brian has blessed us with his talks, ILC classes, and readings. We open our hearts and minds to hear the inspired message that he will bring.
Brian will speak on “The Sermon on the Mount as Universal Law,” a look at the passages in Matthew that many people say are the Constitution of the Christian Church. Martin Luther held these verses up as an impossible ideal meant to drive us into the arms of a forgiving Christ!
Looked at this through the eyes of an Inner Light Consciousness Guide, which was Brian’s role when he studied and worked with Paul Solomon for two and a half years, this scripture sheds a different and more practical light on the kinds of decisions and dilemmas we all face in our daily lives.
After his Fellowship years, Brian became a school psychologist who worked for twenty-five years with handicapped and emotionally disturbed children. He has continued to share ILC and he continues to do Akashic Readings exactly as Paul taught him to do, for real people with real problems, especially health-related. Paul Solomon used to say that he didn’t want to teach it if it wasn’t practical — Brian has tried, he says, to live that.
Chris Van Cleave will share music at this Sunday Service. We look forward to another wonderful Joy in Worship!