Date - Oct 2 2016
Service starts at 10:45 am - 12:15 pm
Fellowship of the Inner Light
St. Francis Feast Day – Blessing of the Animals
Facilitated by Robert Krajenke
On October 2nd we will have the St. Francis Feast Day service. In the past people brought dogs and occasional cats (they are hard to herd) to the service for a blessing. This year we are not permitting live animals at the service because a good number of people in the congregation have allergies. What we can do is bring wonderful pictures or symbols or items that represent our loved pets for this blessing of the animals.
Robert Krajenke will be leading this service with Francis Sporer, who will show some wonderful video/slide shows. We love and care for animals. This will be a great opportunity to focus on God’s creatures and bless them and remind folks to care for them with good stewardship!
We look forward to this loving sharing given by Robert Krajenke and to the slide shows given by Francis Sporer. Both Robert and Francis are ordained ministers with the Fellowship of the Inner Light. We are happy to be good stewards of the earth and the animal inhabitants. Bless our pets and all the animals made by the Creator.
Sunday Service begins at 10:45 am with a
Pre-service Meditation time of 10:30 am.