Reverend LaKota OneHeart ~ Wisdom For Us Now

Date - Jan 29 2017
Service starts at 10:45 am - 12:30 pm

Fellowship of the Inner Light


LaKota OneHeart
LaKota OneHeart

 We are delighted to have LaKota OneHeart speaking at our Sunday service on January 29, 2017. Many of us know LaKota as Lakota Hasie Frazier. We open our hearts and minds to hear the inspired message that will come through her on Sunday.

LaKota OneHeart, previously known as Reverend LaKotahasie Frazier, Elk With No Horns or Buffalo Woman Comes Running is of Abanaki, French and Lakota descent. She is a Reverend in the Order of Melchizedek, Sanctuary of the Beloved Blue Buffalo. LaKota OneHeart is a Sun-Moon Dancer and Spiritual Dance Leader for Beautiful Painted Arrow, Spiritual Advisor, Medicine Wheel Healer and Spiritual Artist, whose art expresses her own medicine walk. LaKota OneHeart DOES NOT teach traditional Native American Ceremony; she teaches as a minister from her own life experiences, teaching and sharing her visions with all who come.

Her sacred ceremonies and teachings are neither bought nor sold, they are a gift to be received, for which the student makes an offering. In March 2007, she received the Living in Peace Award, for the International Ecumenical Prayer for Peace Day, from the Sanctuary of Peace on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. She has created many Turtle Island Dream Circles across the country, by sharing her gift of the Medicine of the dream, with a vision of first healing ourselves, then our communities, and then our world.

Also, LaKota OneHeart has three Black Belt Degrees, first degree Black Belt in Tang Soo Do and Sampi, and third degree in Kyoshin Kan ahorin Ryu, and title of Shi-ko-Ni, certified instructor in two styles. She is a Reverend in the Order of Melchizedek, Sanctuary of the Beloved Blue Buffalo.

Hasie is a friend, mentor, teacher, and fellow spiritual traveler to many people. We appreciate the heart-felt messages that she has given throughout the years. We are indeed going to have a treat this Sunday.

For more information about Rev. LaKota OneHeart you may go to her website at:


The Service begins at 10:45 am

Pre-service meditation time of 10:30 am