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New Class with Margaret McCoy: The Teachings of the Ascended Masters

Date - Nov 26 2016
Service starts at 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

The Fellowship of the Inner Light



The Teachings of the Ascended Masters ~ The Sacred Ritual of the Ascension

Our Soul’s final destiny is to Ascend and return to the Realms of the Divine. No..not to rest!…but to assume our rightful heritage by Uniting with God.  This is True Freedom.  We become the fullness of our original “Blueprint.” Then we can choose to show others how to transcend Karma and Reincarnation and Help them Earn their Ascension, just like the Masters before us.

The Ritual itself…what is it like?  What are the requirements for the Ascension? Can we accelerate and shorten the wait?  Who is the Master that will Initiate us? How do we prepare for him?  Are we ready to be Initiated?  And more…

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2016 2-4 pm in the Upstairs Room

Subject:  Part 1…Introduction, Recorded Dictation by Master.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2016 2-4 PM in the Upstairs Room

Subject:  Part 2…Recorded Dictation by Master, Q and A Session

SUNDAY, DECEMBER  4, 2016  2-4 PM in the Upstairs Room

New Topic:  Aquarian Age Tools To Cleanse Karma

Let the Light Be Intensified by Your Presence!

These classes are being offered for free, with the suggestion to make Donations to the Fellowship of the Inner Light.

For more information, you may reach Margaret McCoy at: [email protected]


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