Date - Dec 4 2016
Service starts at 10:45 am - 12:30 pm
Fellowship of the Inner Light
We are delighted to have internationally renowned writer and researcher on Near-Death states,
Dr. P.M.H. Atwater, as our Sunday Speaker on December 4th.
We open our hearts and minds to her message.
Dr. Atwater will be presenting “Glimpses of Beyond”, a program based on her latest book, “Dying to Know You: Proof of God in the Near-Death Experience.”
A comprehensive presentation of this lecture, as well as an afternoon workshop, will take place at the A.R.E. on Saturday, December 3. Details of that event are below.
About Dr. PMH Atwater: PMH Atwater is one of the original researchers in the field of near-death studies, having begun her work in 1978. She was born and raised in Idaho and became a writer in the mid 1960s. She created and incorporated Inner Forum, Idaho’s first metaphysical non-profit organization. Dr. Atwater has written fifteen books on her findings. “Near-Death Experiences: The Rest of the Story” is a wrap-up of her Near-Death findings along with her theory about transformations of consciousness, covering forty-three years of work both with Near-Death experiencers and those who had an intense spiritual transformation (covering nearly seven thousand child and adult experiencers). Some of her findings in the Near-Death field have been verified in clinical studies, among them the prospective study done in Holland and published in The Lancet medical journal, December 15, 2001.
The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences brought the entire field of Near-Death studies up-to-date worldwide, and was featured in an online version of Newsweek magazine. Her latest, “Dying to Know You: Proof of God in the Near-Death Experience,” is a summary of experiencer voices speaking their word, their truth, and what they learned. There simply is no other book like it! Her monthly newsletters are free to those who sign up on
At the Association For Research and Enlightenment | Sat., December 3:
Presentation: Saturday, December 3 at the A.R.E. from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon “Glimpses of Beyond”
An international authority on Near-Death states, Dr. PMH Atwater, L.H.D. will be presenting “Glimpses of Beyond”, a program based on her latest book, “Dying to Know You: Proof of God in the Near-Death Experience.” This is the “people’s book”; a summation of over Four Thousand adult and child Near-Death experiencers—their words, their truth, and their wisdom. What lies at the heart of Near-Death experiences? A God that in ways beyond description, smiles at you… an all-encompassing Oneness. This presentation will also include forty drawings of adult and children of six countries representing the collective hearts of the Near-Death experience.
Workshop: Saturday, December 3 at A.R.E. 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
“Taking the Wraps off the NDE Phenomenon” Taking a look at what isn’t being said about NDEs and how the media is designing their own version to fit their own viewer-driven needs. Admitting that NDEs, as are other intense transformations of consciousness, are really THRESHOLD EXPERIENCES. What threshold experiences are, and how to recognize them. She will also share the latest from her current study of child experiencers between the ages of womb and five years. Exciting yet sobering surprises, and what they suggest. Admission $15.