Date - Sep 15 2019
Service starts at 10:45 am - 12:15 pm
Fellowship of the Inner Light
The Divine Feminine, better known as The Goddess is the feminine aspect of the Creator, who in our western society has been known as a masculine figure, however, Creator has the two aspects: the Masculine (the Father) and the Feminine (the Mother). The Bible told the story of Creation from the point of view, or perspective, of the Father. The Mother only appeared when the Father wished to present humans with his Son on Earth. However, without the Mother there would be no Creation. Through the centuries, the Mother has had as much power as the Father in the consciousness of most human societies, but in the West the Father always had prominence as The Creator, coming out as the central power in the Universe that He created. Clarice will briefly talk about how the Mother figure had that central position in matriarchal societies where honoring the Mother was the central religious practice, and how it was that in patriarchal societies – notably after the birth and death of Jesus, the Son – and correlating with the ascension of patriarchy in the organization of societies, the Father became the Only and Central figure of Creation. We will also look into the many Goddesses who were worshiped in ancient societies and their reappearance in our societies in the last two centuries, such as Isis, QuanYin , Ma’at, Lakshmi, Yemanja, and so forth. She will end with a message directly from the Mother to the audience.
Clarice DaMota was born And raised in Brazil. Graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a Ph.D. in Anthropology in 1987, did research among several native tribes in her native country of Brazil, publishing books and several articles in English, Portuguese and Spanish about these tribes and their uses of plants as medicine. More recently studied hypnotherapy and was certified as a clinical hypnotherapist in California. Clarice has a practice in Virginia Beach named Surrender to Serenity, for spiritual healing using Past Lives Regression Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, and Shamanic Healing. She has studied Shamanism with some of her native tribal teachers from Brazil and more recently from Dr. Alberto Villoldo from the Light Body School of The Four Winds.
Clarice has been ordained by the Order of Melchizedek in 2017 and also ordained as clergy by the Universal Life Church in 2007.