Sunday Speaker: CarylAnne “Lessons from Native Americans and Mother Earth’

Date - Sep 18 2016
Service starts at 10:45 am - 12:00 pm

Fellowship of the Inner Light



Sunday Speaker on September 18, 2016

“Native Americans and Mother Earth”  – presetend by Carylanne

Sunday Service begins at 10:45 am with a
Pre-service Meditation time of 10:30 am.

We look forward to hearing Carylanne on Sunday, September 18.
Carylanne’s message is sure to inspire and encourage us.

About CarylAnne:
Carylanne is a Spiritual Lifestyle Coach, Reiki Master, and Young Living Consultant, CHt, LE.  She assists people with personal breakthroughs, and she helps folks to move forward with confidence in their lives. She listens, offering deep, heart centered guidance and ongoing encouragement to help folks to access their potential, triumph over past limitation, identify challenges and learn ways to transform those challenges. This leads to the achievement of personal goals and living the abundant life that we deserve.

In Carylanne’s work with Reiki she addresses the following areas:

  • Universal Life force energy
  • Triggers bodies natural healing
  • Improves health and well-being
  • Supports deep relaxation and joy
  • Alleviates stress, tension and pain
  • Promotes physical, emotional, and mental health

Carylanne uses the “Raindrop Technique” in working with essential oils.  This method utilizes the amazing power of essential oils with massage techniques, vita flex and heat application to support structural and electrical alignment.


Benefits may include:

  • Increased circulation and immunity
  • Relaxation and rejuvenation
  • Pain, stress and tension reduction
  • Restore balance and peace of mind


Carylanne is available for Group Mentoring, Seminars and Speaking Engagements in person, phone, or skype.
She is available at: or 757-729-2716

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