Bruce Shelton

Date - Jun 12 2022
Service starts at 10:45 am - 12:15 pm

Fellowship of the Inner Light


BruceShelton Photo
           Bruce Shelton

“A Guru, a Spiritual Seeker & the End of a Pandemic”
Narrative: In this talk, Bruce will tell the story of Larry Brilliant, a young Doctor who went to India in 1972 seeking spiritual enlightenment. He was led to a Guru named Neem Karoli  Baba, who opened his heart center. This Guru then went on to tell “Dr. America” that smallpox, through God’s Grace, was to be eradicated in India and that he was to play a leading role with the WHO in the final eradication of this 10,000 year old disease. Much to Larry Brilliant’s surprise, the prediction turned out to be true. 



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