Michael Bradford

Date - Oct 2 2022
Service starts at 10:45 am - 12:15 pm

Fellowship of the Inner Light


Michael Bradford

Michael Bradford

The Spiritual Lessons, Tests and Wisdom of
Merlin, Job, King David, Alexander the Great, Archimedes and Hippocrates
    What can we learn from looking at the lives of these wise master teachers who, centuries later, are still studied, talked about and looked up to?
    Although each of us may look at, examine and judge life’s experiences, challenges and tribulations from a human perspective, there is also the spiritual perspective – of challenging ourselves to constantly learn, change, grow and evolve. To become the best person we can possibly be.
    This talk is about faith, trust – and about fully facing and overcoming tests, trials and tribulations. It is about the hunger and thirst of the soul to fully live life! It is about the Journey of the Soul to constantly learn, change, grow and evolve!
    Michael, who has had a near-death experience, took on the challenge of clearing up 4 lifetimes worth of Karma in this single incarnation. His life and personal healing journey has taken him to over 55 countries where he studied with and shared healing experiences with Native American (First Nation) medicine people, Canadian medicine people, Eskimo (Inuit) medicine people, Peruvian shamans, the Psychic Surgeons from the Philippines, the Maoris in New Zealand and many hundreds of other psychics, shamans, healers and medicine people around the planet.

Michael Edward Bradford, M.A. (International Management)
> International Intuitive Energy Healer, Business Coach, Consultant
> Intuitive Healing, Guidance, Insights, Answers, Solutions, Results!
> Building Deep Meaningful Heartfelt Connections

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