Sunday Speaker ~ Rainer Windsong, Meditation and Drum Circle

Date - Oct 16 2016
Service starts at 10:45 am - 12:15 pm

Fellowship of the Inner Light


Rainer Windsong
Rainer Windsong

We are happy to welcome Rainer Windsong,  our speaker on Sunday, October 16.  Rainer will be leading a drum circle at our service as well as a meditation.

Rainer is a licensed interfaith minister who received her Doctor of Ministry from the Theological Foundation of South Bend, Indiana.

Dr. Windsong paints, sculpts and does photography for the joy of the creative process.

She takes cues from Julia Cameron who wrote The Artist Way and The Complete Artist’s Way: Creativity as a Spiritual Practice and many other wonderful books as well.

Rainer has taught many classes and seminars throughout the Hampton Roads area, a favorite is “Creativity As A Problem-Solving Tool.” In this class she encourages folks to think out side of the box and to revisit their creative desires as children. She is passionate about providing opportunities for people to reengage their creative spark, via left and right brain activities that take participants safely out of their comfort zone. Then she gently assists them into unexpected new discoveries.

She is available for weddings, and leads workshops, retreats, drumming circles and more.  Contact Rainer to implement an exciting workshop for your business or group today at 757.672.3608 or at [email protected]

We open our hearts and minds to receive this experience that Rainer will lead on Sunday.


Sunday Service begins at 10:45 am with a

Pre-service Meditation time of 10:30 am.

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