Reverend Sally Perry


Rev. Sally Perry, Spirit Medicine of Cherokee lineage, is a visionary, spiritual healer and teacher with a unique gift to see the soul and to embrace the all pervading energy of the universe to help humanity as she receives her own self-realization. She is the author of “Chronicles of a Healer: She Who Dances”. Sally leads sweat lodges, spirit medicine wheels, vision quests and world peace dances worldwide for groups and private gatherings.
In 1995, Rev. Sally Perry, Spirit Medicine, was lead in vision to Swami Parmanandji’s Ashram in Haridwar, India. She spent 6 months each year from 1996-2000 living with the saints. During this time, she traveled extensively with Swami as he shared his teachings with thousands. She lectured, explaining her visions and spiritual insights, as she and Swami created a powerful east-west bridge that has led to Swami’s numerous trips to America
