Susan Forbes Thomas will share about her happiness for being involved with the Fellowship of the Inner Light since the Spring of 1973. She will share about her gratitude for Paul Solomon, the teachings, the people of the church, and the activities. All of this has brought enhancement to her life, the lives of her children, and the lives of many others. She will share short tales of the trail that illustrate this topic. She will encourage all people to continue on their journey with love and joy. The tools for contributing to this are eternal!
Susan is a Pastor with the Fellowship of the Inner Light who serves on our Pastoral Council. She has served on our Board of Directors in the past, and she has served as a Sunday School teacher for the children. She has been with the church since a month after Paul Solomon moved to Virginia Beach from Georgia. She was 24 years old then. Susan is an Inner Light Consciousness teacher, and she is also our current Office Manager and Newsletter Editor. Her main ministries are Motherhood, Music, and Music Teaching.